CSUITEMUSIC, LLC takes pride in our involvement in the critically acclaimed short film Election Night, released in 2020. Directed by Peter Zerzan, produced by Michael J. Payton, and featuring the stunning cinematography of Luis Montoya, Election Night is a powerful narrative that captures the tension and emotional depth of a pivotal moment in American society.

Set against the backdrop of a transformative election, the film delves into the personal and political anxieties experienced by individuals during a night of uncertainty and change. Its compelling storytelling and visual artistry resonated deeply with audiences and critics alike, earning the film numerous indie film awards and recognition in the festival circuit.

Election Night showcases our commitment to collaborating on projects that explore significant cultural and societal themes through impactful visual storytelling. We are honored by the accolades the film has received and proud to have played a part in bringing this thought-provoking narrative to the screen.