The Murder Inc. Story, a critically acclaimed documentary series on BET, was directed and produced by award-winning filmmaker Michael J. Payton. This comprehensive documentary takes an in-depth look into the legendary rise, fall, and eventual redemption of Irv Gotti and his influential label, Murder Inc. Records. With exclusive, firsthand accounts from key figures who witnessed the label’s monumental impact on the music industry, The Murder Inc. Story explores the meteoric success of Murder Inc. and the personal and professional challenges faced by Gotti and his team. Featuring candid interviews with music icons like Jay-Z, Nas, Charlamagne tha God, and Steve Stoute, the series delves into the iconic moments, high-profile controversies, and legacy of one of hip-hop’s most powerful movements. Directed with a sharp focus on both the cultural and business dimensions of Gotti’s empire, Michael J. Payton brings his unique storytelling expertise to illuminate the untold truths behind one of the most unforgettable chapters in hip-hop history.